Frequently asked questions.
Q. Is Keychange Business Brokers privately owned?
A. YES!!!
Keychange Business Brokers is a privately owned and operated business broking agency, established by Tanya Hoswell and Helen Souvlis in mid 2020.
We have however, made the bold choice to deal exclusively in Fitness resales. We believe our experience and expertise is heavily geared toward this brand and know that we can make a big difference for all parties.
We unashamedly work for the vendor to create the sale and support you through the process start to finish.
As a buyer, we will ensure that you have all the information to complete your due diligence and make an informed decision.
Q. Why won’t I see all of your Fitness listings advertised online?
A. In our perfect world we short list buyers and connect the right buyer and seller.
We are yet to meet a vendor who wants their financial information in the public domain. Blanket sales information causes disruptions to staff and members and market gossip. If it doesn’t help the sale, we don’t think it’s the right path.
So we don’t promise to bring you lots of potential buyers, we just aim to connect the right buyer.
Q. I would love to sell my club, but how can avoid the painful approval process?
A. Time and time again we hear that the pain of the approval process is a deterrent to selling. But our Vendors, our biggest fans, will attest to the fact that we take on that battle for you and eliminate the burdens the process may pose.
Q. I’m thinking of selling, but not sure??? What should I do next?
A. So whether you are planning to buy, planning to sell, or preparing for either, we are here to assist. We are happy go slow and just talk it through with you. We will answer any questions about your next best step, and/or hit the button to create a sale. Why not book in for that coffee, connect with us, and we will connect you to the right methods and sources.
Click the top right “Get In Touch” button and let’s go for a coffee!!!